The Hardisons

Eric, Joni, Danica & Peyton

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GrAnDmA & ThE WiLd ThInGs CoMeS To ViSiT

On Thursday my mom and Jamie & the Kids came down to visit, and of course do some shopping. Danica loves watching Capri. Capri would sing her the freckled frog song and Danica would smile from ear to ear. Capri is going to be my little babysitter. I think that we are going to have to have Capri move in so she can keep Danica entertained. She helps me change, feed and get Danica in the bath. She always tells me "She is so so cute, I think that I will keep her". Then when I ask her how she is going to feed her she tells me, "Well I guess you can come too". Danica really likes Capri, Chasey & Caitlynn, they are all a big help in keeping Danica entertained while they are here. Here are some pictures of what we did this weekend.

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