The Hardisons

Eric, Joni, Danica & Peyton

Sunday, November 22, 2009

WeEkEnD FuN!!!

Happy Baby

Ready for some snow..

sNoW bAbY

Has a LITTLE temper...Wonder where she gets it.?

High Centered!

Loves driving her car...

Soo cool....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On The Loose...

Lately, Danica has been a little dare devil. It doesn't matter what it is she will either stand on top of it, crawl up it, or sit on it... Here are a few pictures of what we have been doing around the house...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Big Girl Hair...

If you have never seen Danica's hair it has WAY WAY WAY a lot of curl... And she only has hair in the back, not on top of her head... Well... her hair is getting long and by the end of the day the gel has worn out and her hair just goes frizzy so it looks like I don't even do anything with her hair....She wont wear her headbands anymore, so here is what I came up with. Now this was the first time I did this and she had to have about ten pounds of candy in front of her so she would hold still.. But this is what I came up with...

This is how curly her hair is...

This is what we came up with...

Monday, November 2, 2009


This year for Halloween Danica was a chicken... She went trick-or-treating for 3 hours and got a full basket of candy... She went trick-or-treating with her cousins, Caitlynn,Capri, and Chasey... Every house we went to Danica chose a Reese... Didn't matter what else was in the basket, thats all she wanted...