The Hardisons

Eric, Joni, Danica & Peyton

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Much Needed Update!!!

It has been forever since I have last updated... A few things have changed, but not too much... The baby is now due on the 9th of Feb, today we are officially 31 weeks, and still have not figured out a name for her..., so any ideas that anyone has, please let us know.:) We have also past Halloween and Thanksgiving... I swear time goes by faster and faster everyday...

Danica gets more and more wild everyday...She is a handful and I think she may just give us a run for our money... She is excited about the baby and calls her Pink and Two, but isn't too sure about sharing any of her toys... One thing is for sure, I know Danica is going to be a BIG help with her brother/sister( that's what she tells everyone she is having)
We did go see Santa last night and she told him that she wants a pink bike, pink Barbie, and pink candy... Everything she wants has to be pink... :) All girl if you ask me...
Danica and Chubby
She loves him
Future Danica w/ more hair.. :)
Loves to dance
Carving pumpkin
Halloween in Escalante
Little Skunk
Beautiful Butterfly
Thanksgiving/X-Mas Tree Cutting
Find the right tree
Picking up 8 bags of leaves.. Such a helper

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quick Update!!!

It has been forever since I last updated. Not much has really happened with us, just staying busy with our daily lives(pretty boring) :) Danica is still growing like a weed and we have found out we will be expecting baby #2 on Valentines Day!!! We will find out what we are having on September 13 and will keep everyone posted..

Danica has had her 2nd birthday and celebrated it on the 24th of July. She gets pretty spoiled on her birthday just cause it lands on a holiday. She got a parade, rodeo, fireworks, and a swimming party. SPOILED if you ask me.

No pictures this time.. Computer wont let me load them..:) Pictures soon I promise...

Friday, June 4, 2010


This year for Memorial we went to Escalante. We had a long weekend of fun. We went on the mountain with Eric's mom and dad, and then we went on a 4-wheerler ride with my parents. Here are some pictures of our weekend.

Riding in her car...
Swinging at Grandma Dianas


Grandpa Steven & Danica
Morning baby
She found some ants
Playing with Caitlynn
Throwing the golf ball.
She loves corn on the cob...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

~NoThInG mUcH~

Its been a while since I last posted & it seems like we are on the go more and more each week.. I am still working part time at South Central and Danica is spending her days at her Aunt Shemras, which she loves. Im sure Shemra has her hands full with her, she is becoming quit the wild child. Danica has started talking alot now, and has become a daddys girl.. When I pick her up from Shems, she always greets me at the car with " Wheres my daddy?" She is into Spongbob and Curious George alot more too.. Doesn't matter what time of day it is, she wants to know where Spongebob and George are... It looks like it is finally summer here and she loves playing outside and loves to go swimming. She is a very busy girl and is always keeping us on our toes..

Sunday, April 4, 2010

~HaPpY eAsTeR~

This year for Easter we had to end up staying in St George cause Danica was getting pretty sick. We went to the Dr. on Friday just thinking that she was getting teeth or just a cold but she had really bad ear infections and possibly pheumonia... Danica would take a breath and the hold her breath so our Dr. figured that it was hurting her ribs while she would breath. So she was put on some pretty good antibiotics and she was feeling a little better by Saturday.. But just to be safe he told us to stay home.

Saturday morning we sat out Danica's Easter basket and her "big present", which she wasn't too sure of. But she did love her candy..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another Dr Appointment!!!

Yesterday was Danica's 18m Dr. appointment.. She did pretty good, for what she had.... She weighs 28 pounds(feels more like 50) and is 33in tall.. She only had 2 shots instead of the usual 4 in her legs and liquid one in her mouth.. She has also had a cough and he said it wasn't anything to be worried about, but she did have both of her ears infected.. Which I would of never known cause she is still pretty happy when she is sick..

Boy how time flies.... Our Dr. even said he thought it felt like yesterday that I had her. Danica has one crazy personality. She is a wild child, never sits still and always jabbering away. She has become quiet the good talker. Yesterday , while I was making our bed she was sitting on the pillows and when I started to put them on the bed she told me " NO, don't do that", just like she had been saying it everyday.. She does like to say "NO" alot, and she is a very good dancer...
She is such a good kid and we are very blessed to have her. I have always been asked, if I could have waited to have her if I would do it. I would never change any minute, she was sent to us for a reason, and she is very loved by our families. I'm excited to see her grow everyday and can't wait to see what her future holds for her..

Thursday, February 11, 2010




She never seems to amaze me...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Poor kid, she has such a hard life... :( All she does is clean, work, and no play... Maybe one day her luck will change and all she will do is just lay around??



Thursday, February 4, 2010