The Hardisons

Eric, Joni, Danica & Peyton

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Here are some pictures when we went swimming the other day of Caitlynn, Chasey, Capri & Danica..

Danica's first time at the pool...



Danica & Me

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tag from Kelsey

Tag from Kelsey...

5 Things I was doing 5 years ago:
1: I just got my drivers license
2: In school
3: Living in Escalante
4: Was doing basketball & Volleyball
5: Was in cheer

5 Things I did today:
1. Eat
2.Changed Danica bum
3. Got Danica in the tub
4. Got ready
5. Take the garbage to the road...

5 things I would do with a Million Dollars:
1. Put Danica through college
2. Buy something nice for me and Eric
3. Get a cabin
4. Build my parents a HUGE house
5. Pay everything off and SAVE

5 places I have lived:
1. Escalante UT
2. St George
3. Jamie's House
4. Jenn's house
5. Thats it, not really a mover..

5 jobs I have held:
1. Waitress at Outfitters
2. Clean Cabins at Outfitters
3. Clean rooms at Prospector Inn
4. Waitress at Blues
5. Watched Jamie's Kids

5 things I want to be doing in 5 years:
1. Finished School
2. Be Happy
3. Working
4. Traveling with Family
5. Married and Loving Life!

I TAG: Brooke, Shemra, Danni, Mel

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 Degrees of Randomness!!!

6 degrees of radomness!
6 Degrees of Randomness
1. Link this post to the person who tagged you: Brooke
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. List 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they've been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

1. My milk has to be really really really cold or else i wont drink it...
2. I love the smell of wet dirt and sage brush
3. Cats freak me out...
4. I loved being pregnant... Most people say that they hated it, they couldnt wait till it was over... I loved it...
5. I have a beefalo.. She is way freaking ugly too.
6. I dont like to be alone... If I am I will either go to someones house or will go out where there are people.. I like my time alone, but it is usually with someone.. A little weird..

Who to tag, everyone I think pretty much has been tagged... I will tag Danni, Mel, Ashley, Lauren & Kelsey

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Im a big kid now!!!

For a while now Danica has not liked her little tub thing she lays on in the tub... So I have been getting her in the shower with me in her little tub... She liked that for a while then she decided that she could lean far enough forward that she would just slid out... So one day she head dove and smacked her face in the shower... So then I just sat her on the shower floor and she liked that for a while... So now I decided to just let her get in the tub for her self... She thinks she is pretty hot stuff sitting in the tub splashing... She loves it...

Snoopy and a little whip cream!!!

The other night I was having some strawberries and whip cream... Danica was worse than the dogs... She was drooling and just sat and watched the strawberries... She wouldn't even take her eyes off them... So I decided to give her a little taste... She made a sour face with the strawberry but she kinda liked the whip cream... Oh and snoopy, our neighbor gave it to her... He said he won it like 20 or 30 years ago when he was in a bar up in Salt Lake...

My Little Princess

The other day when we were at my moms house, I decided to play dress up with Danica... We were a little bored, but I think it fits her pretty good.